A range of new digital communication services including live webinars, virtual roadshows and more has been launched by HM Magazine to help suppliers to the accommodation industry continue to reach valued clients.
Particularly valuable during the current uncertainty and market volatility imposed by COVID-19, the new solutions will continue to offer access to HM’s vast readership as the industry prepares for a staged return to normality, depending on medical advice and the reopening of state borders initially only to domestic travellers.
Through the new HM offering, suppliers can reach both existing and potentially new clients through a range of digital activations where new products can be launched, innovations explained and updates provided on the status of each business as operations are gradually scaled back to pre-pandemic levels.

Both studio and remote options can be tailored based on the message being sent, with full branding and content delivery available along with hosting and distribution through exclusive channels.
Simon Grover, owner of HM and its parent company, The Intermedia Group, labelled the new offerings as a natural extension to the brand’s existing media solutions.
“As a B2B media company, we’re in the business of connecting brands with their customers – so we’re very excited to be launching Virtual Events, which provides our clients with dynamic new marketing opportunities and makes events accessible to everyone, irrespective of geography or social distancing rules,” he said.
“Virtual Events enables companies to continue to engage and interact with our audiences, sharing expertise, showcasing brand credentials and building relationships with customers, even in these unprecedented times.”
For more information on HM’s new digital communications tools, contact Tara Ducrou by phoning +61 2 8586 6285 or email on tducrou@intermedia.com.au.